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My Greek Books—April 2023 Reads

by Maria A. Karamitsos   ·  2 years ago   ·  

It’s My Greek Books time! This month, come along to England, Corfu, Athens, and Northern Greece. Click through to find out what I’ve been reading.

My Greek Books

Welcome back to My Greek Books! This month, I’ve read some books that aren’t available yet, so I’ll have to wait to tell you about those. But I can tell you about the two memoirs and one novel I also read this month. They take me to England and Corfu, Northern Greece, and Athens.

Let’s do this!

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Taxi to America: A Greek Orphan’s Adoption Journey by Stella Nahatis

Independently published (February 22, 2023)

About the author

Born in Northern Greece, Stella Nahatis was uprooted at the age of 11. Following the death of her parents, she was adopted by a Greek-American family and moved to the States. After assimilating into American life, she excelled in school, and had a long career in flight services with Trans World Airlines. She’s also an avid volunteer. Stella and her husband live in Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA.

Stella Nahatis shares her incredible story

The story

Stella and her sister Nitsa were typical Greek girls growing up in Greece, surrounded by loving family. But one night, her parents went out for the evening and never returned. A tragic accident instantly claimed the life of her mother, and then her father a few days later. They had no idea what happened the night their landlady woke them in the wee hours to get dressed and leave in a taxi. The taxi that stopped to pick up their mother’s coffin on the way to the village for her funeral.

The girls heard the whispers of the crowds—they’d be fine because they still had their father. But when their father passed away soon after, their world was thrown into further chaos. What would happen to them? Their grandparents had already passed away, and the only one left was a beloved uncle. But young and newly married with a child, he couldn’t keep the girls. To give them the best chance, he had to find them a home. But few wanted to adopt an older child, let alone two. So the girls were offered for adoption to two different families. Their separation took them further than a city and a village—while Nitsa’s adoptive family lived in the area, Stella’s moved to the States. Not only were they separated, but they were purposely kept apart, with no communication. This story is Stella’s journey.

My Greek Books review

In her debut work, Stella Nahatis shares the story of a childhood interrupted and the separation of sisters. It’s the story of how fate tore two young girls from the only life they knew and sent them to the unknown. Stella shares her struggles as a young girl who not only had to assimilate into a new family, but also into a new country. This story will pierce your heart and stay with you. Yet, it’s a story of resilience, perseverance, and the power of family bonds.


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A Parthenon on Our Roof: Adventures of an Anglo Greek Marriage by Peter Barber

UK Book Publishing (May 10, 2022)

About the author

Brit Author Peter Barber and his Greek wife Alexandra split time between his native England and Greece. He’s the author of several independently published books, all light-hearted memoirs sprinkled with humor, including The Coronavirus Chronicles: Texts from Dad (September 28, 2020). A Parthenon on Our Roof is an Amazon bestseller and the recipient of the Gold Medal in the Biographical Travel at the Global Book Awards.

Peter Barber shares the story of his move to Greece

About the book

When Peter Barber runs into Alexandra, whom he met briefly years before, he begins to spend more time in Greece. They become a couple, and he’s immersed in Greek culture, Greek life and Greek superstitions. Add a language barrier, and this Brit must make a decision—embrace it all for a life with the woman he loves or miss out on it all. He shares his early perspectives on a foreign culture and land, through falling in love and becoming part of a Greek family, and everything in between. Can two people from totally different worlds make it work? You’ll have to read it to find out.

My Greek Books review

A Parthenon on Our Roof is a fun and fast read. From cultural and language flubs, practical jokes, scammers, and all manner of madcap adventures, Peter Barber reflects on his introduction to Greek life. With a dose of humor, humility, and the love of his life, he became enamored with his adopted country.

Buy it on Amazon


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Where the Sky Falls by Dougie McHale

Azzie Bazzie Books (March 10, 2023)

About the author

Author Dougie McHale may live in Scotland, but his heart is certainly in Greece. He’s the author of seven novels and one novella, all set between Greece and Edinburgh. His books typically encompass themes of love and loss, hope and fear. And some secret to be discovered. He describes his books as “women’s contemporary fiction”.

New from Dougie McHale

The story

In 2010 in the UK, Rob mourns the passing of his mother. As he goes through her things, he finds a mysterious photograph. He knows only that it was taken in Corfu. He calls a woman, Damaris, listed in his mother’s phone book, who’s tied to the photo. She invites him to Corfu. There, she shares a remarkable story of WII Greece, Nazi occupation, family, and how one woman’s bravery changed everything. In Damaris’ tale, Rob learns about sacrifice, the desperation of war, and what people do in the name of love—and how he’s connected. This truth will alter him and the course of his life forever.

My Greek Books review

Dougie McHale’s love for Greece is evident in all of his writing. In Where the Sky Falls, he takes us back to WWII and the Nazi occupation. This chapter in Greece’s history is difficult and painful, and through his words, we live it. He paints a vivid picture of war-torn Greece, the people caught in the melee. And yet, still, in all that misery and desperation, he’s added textures of love and hope. Every family is shaped by its past, and this one is no exception. This may be my favorite of his novels.

Buy it on Amazon



My Greek Books—April 2023 Edition

That’s it for this month! Now there are three more books to add to your TBR list! Check back next month for more My Greek Books!

Read more:

My Greek Books—February 2023 Reads

My Greek Books—January 2023 Reads

Maria A. Karamitsos

Maria A. Karamitsos is a journalist, author, and poet. She's the founder & former publisher/editor of WindyCity Greek magazine and former associate editor & senior writer for The Greek Star newspaper. Maria currently pens a literary column for NEO magazine and also contributes to Greek City Times and TripFiction. Her work has been published in The Magic of Us-A Moms Who Write Poetry Anthology, The Pen Poetry Magazine, Voices of Hellenism Literary Journal, Highland Park Poetry, GreekCircle magazine, The National Herald, GreekReporter, Harlots Sauce Radio, Women.Who.Write, KPHTH magazine, XPAT Athens, and more. Maria has contributed to two books: Greektown Chicago: Its History, Its Recipes and The Chicago Area Ethnic Handbook. She's currently working on her 1st novel.

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